Dog vs Cat

There are so many different types of personalities out there.  There are those domineering types, the kind that see things their way and don't like people who go against them: the cat people. Then there are the people who are more tolerant, who are more social and generally nicer: the dog people.

Don't worry, I'm just kidding. To a point.  I myself am a self proclaimed dog lover, one of God's favorite animals. Okay, some of you might disagree with me, but I think dogs are the better animal. I've always thought cats were rather stuck up; they might be really beautiful to watch, but like some people I know, they know it and that stinks in my opinion.  Dogs on the other hand will be social and friendly all the time (if it's the right type).

As for personalities: well, when I think of this, I'm reminded of something I read a while back. It goes something like this:

A dog thinks:
I live in a house with people who love me, care for me, feed me, give me shelter
in a warm place, and lavish me with attention. They must be gods!

A cat thinks:
I live in a house with people who love me, care for me, feed me, give me shelter
in a warm place, and lavish me with attention. I must be a God!

Now, cat owners and dog owners, doesn't this just sound so right?