The Internet

My opinion on the internet. This might be somewhat biased as I was an internet junkie as a high schooler. *grin* But aside from that, I think the internet is a great thing. Yeah, it has it's bad sides (some which are really bad), but it is also a great source of information. And I've met a whole bunch of people over the information superhighway!

The internet has opened up the world in so many ways. Last Christmas, for example, I bought my very first item over the internet (I used a gift certificate for a book from It was quite nice, actually; I still don't trust sending credit card numbers over the net, but I hear it's getting safer and safer as time wears on.

You also can meet so many different people. It still doesn't beat meeting people face to face and getting to know them, but you can meet people who have your interests and hobbies. For instance, a friend of mine who is in the model horse collecting hobby buys horses from other hobbiests around the world via email, and sells them herself; she even just started making a web page devoted to it. It's things like that that make the internet fun.

Then there are the bad things. The internet is like the world; you have your good parts, and you have your bad parts. While it can be a vehicle for education, it can also be a vehicle for destruction. As it is uncensored, the internet has become party to many different cruel, evil, and disgusting things as well. Child pornography, guides in making bombs, anti-semitic writing --- these name just a few bad seeds that are growing on the 'net.

No matter what, though, I think the internet's great. I've personally made a whole mess of web pages, and I've found people all around who share my interests. Generally, if you're not looking for the bad things you won't find them; that's not always true, but it's usually the case. You do have to be careful when looking around the web; but, hey, isn't the same true about the real world?