Ahh, come off it! We women are always opinionated; you men should know that! It's called women's lib, and guys, face it just about every girl nowadays is rather opinionated (myself included, as you can see). We do not turn into feminazi's once a month; we may get irratable, but think about it! For about a week, most women have to live with an intense pain (aside from you uncaring men; J/K), and still pretend to lead a normal life. I'm sure many of us have smashed our finger with a hammer, or gotten run over by a car wheel, etc, and let out a loud expletive, or at least a yell. You're angry afterwards, right? Okay, women have to put up with that, like I said, for a few days on end. Now, you tell me if men would be perfect angels if once a month it hurt to walk around at times, you sometimes can't sleep well at night, and you have to put up with comments like "Oh, don't mind him; it's just his time of the month." It would be rather annoying, wouldn't it?