Good grief!!! Absolutely nothing in September, YEESH! It's been a while since I wrote here; I can't believe it! I have SO much I could say too, so I'll start from the beginning.
School has started here at NNU (we changed from a College to a University this past year), and I'm having a BLAST! I'm now the crazy one on my wing; go figure. :) I'm really shy and quiet, or at least used to be; no more though, it seems. I'm the leader of the pack, or at least one of the leaders. Okay, maybe I'm not the leader, but I'm definitely one of the gang; instead of being on the outside I'm now an insider! That is SO nice!
I like a guy. His name is Ben. He's a male me. I'm wondering how people with so few opposite qualities can actually attract. I think he likes me. End of subject (for now...). :)
My sister started college. Now THAT is scary; she, the cute one of the family, at the mercy of college boys. Not something I as an older sister particularly relish... Still, I keep in touch with her, which is nice. We share stories, although she only just started. I'm a night owl, but she has to get to bed early or else she's dead on her feet past, oh, eleven o'clock. It's kind of funny really.
I'm popular! Wouldn't you guess it, two years into my college career I finally get popular! :) Me, who has never been popular before; I don't know what to do! Still, I've got people continually saying hi to me and just bumping into me to smile at me (happily enough, a lot of really cute guys do that to me!). It's enough to make a girl get vapors! *laugh* I'm having an absolute blast!
My hardest class is biochemistry. I just had a test; I'll have to see how I did, but (while I know that in saying this it'll probably mean I'll somehow have failed the test since I thought positively about it; ever notice how that happens?) I think I did okay on it. All the rest are pretty good, although I've got some papers to write.
There is SO much going on in my life, I can't fit it all down here! Unfortunately, the webpage doesn't seem to be one of them. *sigh* I really do want to get this place back together and updated, but I'm just not on the computer quite as much as I used to be. I'm hopefully getting a job as a computer lab TA though, so that'll be fun and I'll get to be on a computer for longer stretches of time. :)
That's it for my journal entry now, I guess. Back home you go! :-)