
Okay, to begin with I'm quite pro-life. I can't see why people believe that because of some mistake they made (I'll get to the exceptions in a minute), they have the right to murder an innocent child. And yes, it is a child, no matter if it's inside you or outside of you; it's not some ball of tissue like your liver, or your kidney, or your heart. It's not even yours; it's living almost INDEPENDENT of you! It has it's own heart, it's own mind, it's own liver; and it's life is it's own, not yours to do with as you please.

Yes, people think there are special cases such as rape or incest. They lord this over people, saying that this is why abortion should be legalized. Nuh-uh!!! In reality, less than 5% of all unwanted pregnancies come from either of those; it's usually people who are careless with their BC, or are just plain stupid thinking they are immune to pregnancy. For those that it happens to, however.... It's sad certainly, but think on this: No matter who the father is, no matter how he/she was conceived, is it right to take out revenge on an innocent baby? Would you still kill it if you held it in your hands and saw the cute little baby face? It's not a monster; hurtfulness isn't inheirited, it's learned. This baby wouldn't be evil unless it was to be raised as such.

"But what about my own life? One little lapse in birth control, and now I'm pregnant. My life is ruined!!" Okay, so who's fault is that? Maybe I'm being a little harsh, but that is totally your fault if that happens. If you take birth control to keep away unwanted pregnancies, that's perfectly fine in my opinion; however, killing a child for your mistake is not perfectly fine. It would only take nine months of your time to give this child life; your own life can probably be put off for that long. "But I'm a working woman, and having a huge stomach will get in the way! And I'm in a job where being thin is necessary (like TV)." I'll admit, TV for pregnant women is rather difficult to overcome, but it has happened. And think about this; for about five of those nine months (unless you're carrying twins or above), you don't show all that much. Of course, if you had a slim figure before the pregnancy, you will probably have a noticable difference but new clothes that fit your new size can help that. There's a whole list of possibilities you can do; but murder, that really shouldn't be on that list.

Abortion in lieu of a medical danger. Okay, this one is a little bit more tricky. I'm fully against abortion in any way, shape or form; however, when it's a choice between the mother, the baby, or both, I can't say anything on that. I've never had to go through that agonizing decision, and pray that it will never happen. But I think it's a choice the mother should make, not loved ones or doctors.

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